anti-racism company memo, 6/1

It might be tough to show up for work today. It is for me.

I spent the weekend as many of you did - listening, reading and thinking about George Floyd and the uprisings that unite people across America and the world who are determined to see a better tomorrow.

In doing this I began to examine and unpack my own prejudice. I also attempted to understand the situation well enough to explain it to my 5 year old son.

I delayed the conversation for as long as I could and when he interrupted my abridged reading of I Have a Dream with the 4th consecutive β€œwhy” it was clear that I do not and cannot understand.

In a week we’ve gone from wondering what day it is to what year it is. Video footage and other recent headlines prove how much work we collectively and individually still need to do to overcome racism. I’m reminded of this everytime I’m watched going through self checkout.

Still, I’m encouraged by the number of people stepping up and speaking out in support and uncovering and dismantling their own racist tendencies in the process. I’m encouraged by everyone who is choosing to be an agent of change instead of a bystander. I’m encouraged by everyone who is doing the work to figure out where to begin.

The change that’s needed is really big, but it’s also a collection of millions of small acts. In the coming days, we’ll begin by exploring what we can do to more intentionally create an inclusive workspace. If you have ideas or just want to talk, please let Devin, Nicole or I know.

Cleo Wade’s Where to Begin has sat on a shelf in my dining room since listening to her read it to a room of all colored faces back in October. Last night it brought me strength, so I’m sharing it with you too.
