start again today no. 57: follow your energy

Hey πŸ‘‹πŸ½,

Last week, I met Mac MaConwell a dude who is trying to make the venture world a better place by investing in underrepresented founders in everything from haircare to agritech. He has spoken to 3,000 people in the last year by connecting lots of dots. I got off Zoom and asked myself…wtf am I doing with my time?

Every 3 months, I go on a calendar cleanse. I don’t time it but like clockwork, I feel the bloat, often while sitting on Zoom wondering β€œis this the best thing I could be doing with my time right now?” 

Maybe this quarterly quell is prompted by cyclical disaster in the world; with each new season, something terrible happens that reminds us all how precious time is, forcing you to shift your attention to scaling your impact and what actually matters in this life.

A quick time audit shows where you’re spending your attention. Carolyn Buck Luce, creator of the development program the decade game thinks about time across 5 complementary pillars:

  • yourself

  • friends and family

  • your work

  • curiosity

  • giving back

Put in a pie chart, imbalance and opportunity becomes clear. My most recent time audit revealed surprising balance but a tendency to think too short term (hello, clickbait, email inbox, my old friends).

Mac inspired me to sit down on this rainy Sunday and start and finish Angel by Jason Calacanis to satisfy a deeper curiosity I’m just starting to lean into.

Who or what has inspired you recently? And how are you adjusting your time to follow that inspiration? I’d love to know.

I see you, I love you, have a great week,


About me: I’m the COO of Animalz, a global content marketing agency and a cycling instructor. I live outside of washington, DC with my partner, 5yo and dog Duke Ellington.